Tuele Hospital

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

It’s good to be back.

I am delighted to report that Fortune favoured me, and I got a seat on last night’s flight. The relief of pitching up at check in to be told that there was a seat for me was incredible. I was so ready to be going home. The 17 ½ hour, 14,500km non-stop flight got me into London Heathrow at just after 5am.

Whilst it would be fairly easy to dismiss my return journey as ‘just another flight’, I am once again slightly overawed by this remarkable feat of technological development – over a third of the Earth’s circumference non-stop. With the current climate change campaign raging (which I strongly support in principle), it was also great to read that this aircraft uses 25% less fuel per passenger and thus may be more environmentally friendly (although this claim gets a little more complicated as you have to factor in the additional fuel that is carried in order to make that long journey) – landing back in London I do feel very self-conscious of our recent airmiles. My family arrived two hours later, and it was both surreal and delightful to greet them at arrivals.

So we are home again in the UK as a family. We have had quite an adventure.

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